Career Resources for Students
California Career ZoneLearn about yourself, the employment options available to you and the training that will prepare you for them. |
O*NET OnlineO*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and H.R. professionals, students, researchers, and more! |
My Next MoveSearch careers with key words, browse careers by industry, or answer questions about the type of work you might enjoy. |
SalarySurferTo help students and their families make important decisions about investing time and money in a college education, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, through Salary Surfer, is providing comparative information about the earnings of recent California community college graduates who received an award in a specific program of study. |
Fresno Regional WDB Workforce ConnectionWorkforce Connection One-Stop Centers is the place that brings everything together! Our diverse menu of services are designed to connect you with job search, assistance with writing your résumé, retraining for a new position and/or referrals to partnering agencies and community resources throughout Fresno County. |
Workforce Development Board of Madera County Check out our Workforce Assistance Center for job information, veterans services, and resources for persons with disabilities. |
California Labor Market InformationThe Labor Market Information Division (L.M.I.D.) is the official source for California Labor Market Information. The L.M.I.D. promotes California's economic health by providing information to help people understand California's economy and make informed labor market choices. We collect, analyze, and publish statistical data and reports on California's labor force, industries, occupations, employment projections, wages and other important labor market and economic data. |
Workforce EdTech Tools - Job Search & PlacementBig data is revolutionizing the way workers document their skills and experience and employers identify job requirements, enabling new ways for matching jobseekers to opportunities. Resumes are being replaced by tools that allow jobseekers to broadcast skills via badges, online assessments, sample work product, and in online profiles. Search through these curated tools for your own job search. |
Apprenticeship Training Programs
California Apprenticeship Coordinators AssociationWhy Become an Apprentice?
To learn more about the over 40 state-registered apprenticeship programs in California go to: |
Carpenters Pre-ApprenticeshipWhat is the Carpenters' Pre-Apprenticeship Program? |
Electrician ApprenticeshipProgram
The National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (N.J.A.T.C.) requires electrical apprentices to complete a structured, national curriculum. This consists of class work and paid, on-the-job training, leading to their becoming journeymen wiremen, linemen, technicians/installers, or residential wirers. |
Ironworker ApprenticeshipWhat is an Iron Worker?
Tasks of the Ironworker include steel and cable reinforcing in concrete construction (rebar work), erections of steel skeleton of buildings, window wall and curtain wall exteriors, rigging of heavy machinery and welding in conjunction with all aspects of these job descriptions. Ironworkers must be able to work at great heights. The work is very strenuous, dangerous, and is often done in adverse weather conditions. Work involves climbing, bending squatting, sitting, standing, and heavy lifting. What can I expect of an ironworker apprenticeship program? Apprentices are required to receive at least 204 hours of classroom and shop instruction during every year of training. The subjects taken in the shop and classroom complement the hands-on training received in the field. The subjects include blueprint reading, care and safe use of tools, mathematics, safety issues, welding and oxy-acetylene flame cutting. |
Automotive ApprenticeshipProgram
Typically the four-year term of your apprenticeship you will work 8000 hours on the job. Your will also attend supplemental related training classes 144 hours per year at different community colleges in California. 544 West Olive, Fresno CA 93728 Please call for more information: (559) 264-2815 |
Plasterer ApprenticeshipWhat Is A Plasterer?
A person with the art or skill of applying materials over surfaces producing both interior and exterior walls, ceilings and other surfaces in the construction or remodeling of buildings, homes and other structures. Program The Plastering Industry J.A.T.C. Apprenticeship Program is a 4 (four) year program consisting of 6000 hours of on-the-job training and 576 hours of related classroom training. |
Roofers ApprenticeshipThe Central Valley Roofers and Waterproofers JATC Training Program is here to prepare you for your career as a Roofer and Waterproofer.
Whether you have some Roofing and Waterproofing experience or are brand new to the Industry, the Apprentice Training Program is here to educate you and help you become a future leader in this Industry! Some Quick Facts about the Apprenticeship Program: |
Sheet Metal ApprenticeshipWhat Is A Sheet Metal Worker?
Sheet Metal Workers are part of the building and construction trades. In shops, we layout, fabricate and assemble sheet metal products to be installed in buildings and construction projects. The primary work is heating, ventilating and air conditioning. We also fabricate and install metal roofs, kitchen equipment, blowpipe systems, conveyors, chutes and hoppers. |
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The State Center Adult Education Consortium connects adult learners to educational programs and services that assist with seamless transitions into the workforce and/or post-secondary education.
Transition Support Services for Adult Students: